About Us
“Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will passionately live and share the radical transformation and holistic peace of Jesus Christ through relationship-based neighborhood engagement. To move us forward, we will develop a culture of calling and equipping disciples who are innovative, adaptable, and fearless.”
Based in the Anabaptist and Pietist faith traditions, the Church of the Brethren is an Historic Peace Church. In the New Testament, the word “brethren” describes a community of men and women who chose another way of living: the way of Jesus. The Church of the Brethren, having started three centuries ago in Germany, still draws people who want to continue Jesus’ work of faithfulness and loving service. Jesus went about saving the world steadily and with love, by serving his people. Because we believe his message, First Church of the Brethren seeks to do the same.
There has been so much growth in First Church of the Brethren over the past one hundred’ thirteen years. There is much to be proud of. We are a large, close knit family made up of many smaller families. Many of us descend from one or more of the founders: those who had a vision and a desire to worship in a Brethren congregation in the borough of Roaring Spring. God has blessed them and us by fulfilling that dream. You can read more about our history and how we began right on our website!
Today, our church’s administration is operated through a somewhat new structure which the Brethren denomination developed some years ago and calls it a “Leadership Team” concept. Another term which some Brethren churches still use is “The Church Board.” The Leadership Team concept requires less members than that of a Church Board, and for this reason, it is becoming a more popular form of church leadership within our congregations. The Leadership Team at Roaring Spring is comprised of a Leadership Team Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, the Pastor(s) of the congregation, the Church Clerk, the Church Moderator, the Deacon Chairperson, and a Team Chairperson for each of our current 5 Teams which include: Finance & Facility, Christian Education, Missions & Service, Worship, and Hospitality & Communications.
This 11-member Leadership Team meets on a regular monthly basis and plans, updates, and discusses with one another current and upcoming needs and events in the life of our congregation. Each of the 5 Teams, under the direction of their Team Chair, has 4-5 team members who meet on an as-needed basis with their Team Chair to plan for upcoming repetitive events, as well as discuss and develop new ideas and opportunities for church events and growth. If there is a one-time event to be offered by a Team, then the appropriate Team develops an “Impact Team” who are called out to carry out the event, and when the event is complete, that “Impact Team” is finished and dissolved. This “Impact Team Concept” requires a lot less meetings in the course of a year, and less of a time commitment; therefore, commitments to help when called upon are easier to agree to. This form of administration and leadership has been a good transition for First Church of the Brethren.
We exist to be a community of welcome and worship where people find peace, purpose, and power through Jesus Christ.
Being the hands and feet of Jesus, Serving with open minds and hearts.
We value discipleship and spiritual growth that must be constantly fed by the Holy Spirit through prayer, worship, Christian education, and practical local and global outreach. We embrace Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples.” We value hospitality through inviting people to be with us in a warm, caring, and respectful relationship. We value our Brethren heritage while we remain open to the work of God’s spirit now and in the future. We treasure our tradition – the convictions and rituals that have shaped our understanding of what it means to be followers of Jesus Christ.
Work Hours
Monday - Friday • 8am – 1pm
Saturday • CLOSED
Sunday • 9:25am – 11:30am
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