

We Exist to be a Community of Welcome and Worship Where People Find Peace, Purpose, and Power Through Jesus Christ

Pastor Crumrine


Rev. Dr. David Crumrine preaches at Roaring Spring First Church of the Brethren every Sunday morning. Pastor Dave passionately leads our congregation and strives for a community of welcome and worship where people find peace, purpose, and power through Jesus Christ! Pastor Dave welcomes everyone to join us on Sundays!

Church Officers

Moderator: Dan Hammel
Sunday School Superintendent: Dave Imes
Financial Secretary: Cathy Petre
Church Clerk: Valerie Smith

Our Staff

Worship Coordinator: Terry Hershberger
Office Administrator: Jan Simington
Bookkeeper: Cindy Shaw
Custodian: Jan Claar
Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Mindy Wagner
Youth Ministry Coordinators: Doug & Brenda Garber

Leadership Teams

Leadership Team Chair/ Associate Moderator: Kaye Russell
Leadership Team Vice Chair: Paul Witkovsky
Missions & Service Team Chair: Don Bookhammer
Christian Education Team Chair: Beck Bianconi & Travis Russell
Hospitality & Communications Team Chair: Beth Burns
Finance & Facility Team Chair: Bryce Nooyen
Music & Worship Team Chair: Terry Hershberger
Deacon Team Chair: Dave & Valerie Smith