Our leadership team meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. This eleven-member team plans, updates, and discusses with one another current and upcoming needs and events in the life of our congregation. Each of the 5 core teams, under the direction of their Team Chair, has 4-5 team members who meet on an as-needed basis with their Team Chair to plan for upcoming repetitive events, as well as discuss and develop new ideas and opportunities for church events and growth. If there is a one-time event to be offered by a team, then the appropriate Team develops an “Impact Team” who are called out to carry out the event, and when the event is complete, that “Impact Team” is finished and dissolved.
Our church’s administration is operated through a structure with the Brethren denomination developed some years ago and calls it a “Leadership Team” concept. Another term which some Brethren churches still use is “The Church Board”. The Leadership Team at Roaring Spring is comprised of a Leadership Team Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, the Pastor(s) of the congregation, the Church Clerk, the Church Moderator, the Deacon Chairperson, and a Team Chairperson for each of our current 5 Core Ministry Teams.
In addition to the Leadership Team, there is a Leadership Executive Team which may still be tagged in some congregations as the “Church Executive Committee”. This Team is made up of the Leadership Team Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Pastor(s), the Church Clerk, the Moderator, and 1 of the 5 Core Team chairpersons as chosen by the Leadership Team. The Executive Team may help in establishing the agenda for the Leadership Team meetings, assists the Sr. Pastor in evaluating staff, and deals with personnel issues. This Team is also the staff employment Team.
This team assists the pastor(s) and the Music and Worship Coordinator in the planning and carrying out of regular and special worship services.
The Finance and Facility Team is responsible primarily, but not exclusively, for the congregation’s properties and finances.
Deacons are called out from our congregation to serve and help teach membership classes, prepare for communion and Love Feasts, and assist the pastor in ministering to the congregation.
This team is responsible for leading the congregation in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ; creating and carrying out a process of discipleship; identifying prospective new members; overseeing the directing of the congregation’s witness to the world through evangelism, church extension, ecumenical relations, missions, social action, and ministries to the needy.
The Genesis Sunday School Class offers Christian Education opportunities to a variety of aged church attendees. While most members of the class are of the age where children are in high school or have just left the nest, several “more experienced” members bring insight and their own experiences to the lively discussions. Outside of Sunday classes, the group also engages in service projects, a Christmas get-together and assists with as many church functions as requested.
The Alpha Class is a lively bunch. We have done books by various authors, Bible studies on many different books of the Bible, and video series. We have had many different teachers over the years. This class enjoys discussion and humor, striving to share the gospel with one another. Prayer is offered as the members request intercessory prayers for others. Our class treasury is used to support a child through Compassion International as well as other needs. Learning and growing in our faith is important to those that attend. All adults are welcome to join us.
The Living Faith Class gathers in the church parlor and engages in vibrant discussions about living meaningful lives centered on Jesus Christ. The class enjoys variations of a Bible study format and is made up of adults of varying ages, including older adults.
Teachers: Marlys & Terry Hershberger
All are welcome to join! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings September through May.
This support group meets monthly, the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the church’s Parlor. If you have suffered a loss, please join us as we come together to support one another and invite God into our hearts.
Enlightening activities and outings are planned throughout the year for our 50 and over group.
Bible Study desires of members of the congregation are met in part through an in-person Bible Study at 9:30 am every Tuesday in the Alpha Classroom. An on-line Zoom study is offered Wednesday evenings at 6:15 pm. During the school year, ReCharge parents and others attend in person, giving the church an in person/Zoom combination Study.
You may join us each Thursday at 9:00am at the Spring House Grille for breakfast.
A disaster response group meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the Alpha classroom.
Our knitting group meets in the church’s Parlor from 6:30pm-8:30pm on Thursday evenings. We enjoy great fellowship and assist each other on knitting and crocheting projects.
Looking to give to someone during a time of need? Join our prayer shawl group as we provide prayer shawls to those who are sick, having surgery, or hospitalized. All ladies are welcome to join us in the church’s Parlor from 1:00pm – 3:00pm every Wednesday.
The Church History Team is responsible for the collection, preservation, interpreting and exhibition of both the tangible and intangible heritage of the First Church of the of the brethren for the purpose of keeping alive our institutional history and its place in the Brethren Community. In performing this responsibility, team members maintain a History and Research Center on the church’s 2nd floor as a primary facility for accessing documents, photos, reference books, bibles and pamphlets pertaining to our church and Brethren History. Exhibits of historical items change periodically and are located on the 1st floor near the church entrance.
Are you looking for a way to recharge yourself midweek? Join us every week, October-March on Wednesdays at 5:45pm for supper and then get your spiritual batteries charged up at any of our program offerings! Wednesday Night ReCharge is open to anyone of any age and is for the entire family! Whether you are just joining us on Wednesday evenings, or decide to also catch up again on Sunday mornings, we would love to have you!
Join our Men’s Fellowship and share breakfast together at varying local restaurant locations the 3rd Saturday of each month.
All ladies of the church are welcome to join us on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm at a local restaurant. We have a devotional or play a small game, share a meal together, and get to know other women within our congregation. Monthly reminders and the restaurant are noted in the newsletters and bulletins.
M.U.Ms (Mothers Uplifting Mothers) is a group of women who encourage and support each other while sharing the journey of motherhood and serving others. The group is a great place for moms of all generations to share their experiences and faith while developing friendships and supporting each other. M.U.Ms group meets regularly to build relationships amongst the women, to encourage the importance of self-care, and to serve the church and community.
Our Women’s Fellowship exists to provide needed food to shut ins, the sick or infirm, or to provide comfort to families after a loss. Our group of female volunteers from our congregation work closely together to help those in our community. Through their efforts many lasting friendships and relationships are formed. Come and join us.
Our wonderful group of hand quilters get together each Wednesday at 9:00am in the Ladies Aid Room to fellowship together and share the love of their hobby.
Work Hours
Monday - Friday • 8am – 1pm
Saturday • CLOSED
Sunday • 9:25am – 11:30am
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