The Junior Youth Program at First Church of the Brethren consists of 6th – 8th graders. This program allows pre-teens and teens to absorb the messages of God’s word while having a lot of fun. The amazing youth leaders are engaging and fun as they teach the necessary Biblical truths that every child should hear. Members of this group can expect to enjoy a light dinner, devotions, and games during meetings. Members are encouraged to invite their friends to join us. Our Junior and Senior Youth Groups combine their membership for some activities to encourage comradery amongst the two programs members.
The Senior Youth Program at First Church of the Brethren consists of 9th – 12th graders. This program was created to help our senior youth group members to stay rooted in their faith and be reminded of God’s empowering love and redeeming grace. Our senior youth group is full of fun activities where members can strengthen their relationship with Christ and connect with others. Members of this group can expect to enjoy a light dinner, devotions, and games during meetings. Members are encouraged to invite their friends to join us. Our Junior and Senior Youth Groups combine their membership for some activities to encourage comradery amongst the two programs members.
This program at the First Church of the Brethren pairs a youth in 6th-12th grade with an adult in the congregation.
In September, the new 6th graders and any other youth in grades 6th-12th who do not currently participate in this program are offered the opportunity to join this program. We encourage you to reach out to us for any questions!
The National Youth Conference is a Church of the Brethren denominational tradition that dates all the way back to 1954. Every four years, youth from across the United States travel to one location for this incredible Conference. The Conference includes worship, workshops, service projects, recreation, and so much more! Be sure to reach out to us for more information!
Wednesday Night ReCharge is our intergenerational, mid-week program where we gather in the Fellowship Hall as one family at 5:45 pm for dinner together, then at 6:30 we disperse: adults leaving and going to adult Bible Study, adult Choir Practice, or other church meetings. Youth ascend to their Youth Room for social and educational time with their youth advisors. And the children are divided up into their age groups of Nursery, Kindergarten-2nd Grades, and 3rd-5th Grades for their weekly lessons, crafts, experiment’s and more which exhibit God’s love for us—giving us all that mid-week BOOST we need to help us get through our week! The kids then wrap up the evening with some lively music, which once again sharing the stories of God’s love for each and every one of us!
Work Hours
Monday - Friday • 8am – 1pm
Saturday • CLOSED
Sunday • 9:25am – 11:30am
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